22nd September, 2021

Why Blogging Is So Important for Digital Marketing

As digital marketing and internet marketing has become one of the most common and popular ways for businesses to market their brand, product, or services; we see an increase in people "jumping on the bandwagon" and starting a blog. However, what is often overlooked during this early stage is why blogging is so important. This article will explore some of the benefits that blogging can bring to your business.

What Is A Blog?

A blog is a form of weblog that allows people to create an online diary about their life, experiences, and thoughts; with the intention of arousing public interest in their products or services. It can be used for personal reasons or purely for business purposes; although it is most commonly used in a business context.

What Are The Benefits Of Blogging?

There are many benefits brought by blogging to your business and we've summarised the main ones below:

Branded Content: A quality blog will bring you more traffic than you may think, which is great for branding your business and getting your and others' names out there.

Increased Reach: As well as bringing you more traffic than may be expected, blogging can also bring you a much larger audience - people who are interested in your particular niche or industry. This audience is potentially far greater than any other marketing channel out there, including social media and paid advertising.

Improved Search Engine Rankings: By publishing high-quality, useful content on your blog you will steadily improve the page rankings of your website. This is great for search engine optimization (SEO) which is very important for all websites.

Reputation Management: By publishing branded and engaging content that reflects positively on your brand/business you can drastically improve how people view you. This is great for establishing your company's reputation which is key to being trusted by people.

Improved Traffic: As well as branding, reach, and rankings you will also see other benefits in terms of the amount of traffic flowing through to your website. Content that is shared on social media or published on other websites can generate huge amounts of referral traffic for very little effort or cost.

Improved Engagement: In terms of social media, providing content for your audience to share will increase the amount of "engagement" you get - likes, shares, and comments from people interested in your business/brand/products/services

Thought Leadership: By blogging regularly about a specific topic or industry you can position your company as a thought leader. This is where you are one of the few people or businesses that have enough knowledge on this particular topic, so your opinion holds more weight than others.

Improved Customer Service: When running any business it is important to find solutions for customer issues quickly. Having FAQs pages and support centers are great ways of doing this, but blogging is the real deal. After all, if your audience can't find an answer on your blog they will contact you via email or social media instead; making this one of the most effective customer service tools out there.

Content Marketing: One of the main reasons businesses blog is to build a library of content that can be used for other marketing channels - including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. The more engaging and helpful your content is, the more likely it will be shared on social media by happy customers sharing their experience. In turn, this will generate more traffic to your blog and website.

Lead Generation: One of the key benefits of blogging is that it can be used as a lead generation tool. Your business blog should always have the objective of attracting new visitors, inquiries, or customers - either directly or indirectly through social media sharing/engagement.

To wrap it up, blogging has come a long way - from a way for angsty teens to release their emotions to a key tool that helps marketers get their companies noticed. If you are not blogging already, it's time to get started. It won't take long before you see the benefits!

Now you must be reading this and thinking " but I don't have the time or the inclination to write blogs for my business constantly, I already have so much on my plate." And that's where we come into the mix! We at Kolkata School of Digital Marketing are an advanced digital marketing training institute in Kolkata, and train our students on the various aspects of digital marketing. We cover everything, from SEO to SEM to mobile marketing, and ensure to equip our students with sufficient skills to market their own company or other businesses. So if you need help with your blogging needs or any other needs, we can help you at a very affordable price!

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