17 January, 2021

What is Google Lens?

Google came out with one of its biggest announcements way back in 2017 which was Google Lens. It was launched as a feature in their exclusive Google pixel phone. But with time, the technology is available on the majority of android phones. It constitutes of various features that make it unique. It is an AI-powered technology that uses the camera of the smartphone along with its deep learning mechanism it not only detects a certain object but analyzes it and gives some important information like translations, where to shop, scanning, and many more. If you do not see this application on your smartphone, then you can simply just download it on Google play.

The features of Google Lens can make everyday tasks quite simple. Initially, it will allow you to point at something specific such as scenery then you may ask the Google assistant what the object is that you are pointing at. You will not only get a specific answer, but detailed information based on the object like its background, where you can buy it nearby, for the case of scenery. Various other functions of google lens include that it will recognize different clubs, restaurants, shops, cafes, and many more presenting through a pop-up window that will give analyzed description like the opening time, location, and reviews. Another fun feature is that it will recognize your hand or even a specific image and suggest emojis linked to it.

No doubt that the app comes with many features from translating text, finding a look, exploring places nearby to identifying plants and animals, and finding solutions for difficult homework problems.

So, if you want to explore more about what is google lens and how does it work, the points given below are just enough.  

How to Get Started with Google Lens?

Google lens work on both iOS and Android devices. But it would work quite differently depending upon the device. In android and iOS, google lens works from inside the google photos app, all you have to do is select a photo then tap on the google lens icon. Since google lens would not snap the object itself so you will have to click the image and open it on the google images app. This is considered much easier on android as the photos app is just a swipe away.

Another great thing about this app is that it has come to google assistant, where the work is now much easier giving an AR like experience. When you get started with google assistant, a lens icon will appear on the lower corner of the mobile screen. So, you can just tap on it to get the lens feature started and get fast searches. This can be the easiest and best way to get started with this tool.

Things Google Lens Can Do

Apart from all the things we have discussed many features can be discussed. The app is widely used to scan objects every day, but this tool can also help for recognizing and briefing about many work-related things as well.

Features of this tool known as ‘Smart text selection’ allows your phone camera to point at a text, even highlight it with google lens, where you can copy it on the device and use it later when you want. Like if you are pointing at the password of your Wi-Fi, you can simply copy it through google lens and paste it on the Wi-Fi login screen. Whereas, in another function of ‘smart text search’ you can simply highlight the text through google lens or you can use google assistant to search certain text with it. Like if you want to search for a definition or meaning, this can easily be kept handy or you even find solutions to assignment problems. Just like the where to shop function, there is another function google lens holds which is ‘Search around you’ that enables the person to point the camera around, then google lens will identify the surroundings of the person that is to identify various kinds of plants, breeds certain animals, highlighting certain reviews.  

Next in Google Lens

The tool presents great camera quality and technology. There are always some small updates with it. Also, announced that the image recognition technology will soon have some educational features to help students with assignments. And translating words without being online.

The implementation of lens by Google is undoubtedly one of their best announcements. This tool makes the search for daily objects we see around much easier.

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