13 August, 2020

Top 5 Lead Generation Ideas

Lead generation is one of the most crucial and important aspects of marketing. And is the most challenging one. Sales and Marketing teams spend an absurd amount of time and resources on lead generation- from writing content-rich blogs, to sending out thousands of emails, to ad campaigns and whatnot. But not every company has a huge budget to allocate for lead generation tactics. We are here to your rescue. We’ve consolidated a list of the top 5 lead generation ideas, which are proven and effective ways to generate leads. And the best part? They work for small businesses, start-ups and even well- established brands.  So read on to find what the top 5 lead generation ideas are.

Lead Generation

Lead generation was already a challenge but now has become even more challenging. With tons of free and cheap resources available, the marketing space has become saturated with ads. So much that people are ready to pay to get rid of ads, and telemarketers. This has made it extremely difficult for businesses to attract new customers. Businesses need to come up with innovative and creative strategies to attract customers and keep them engaged from the first look.

Top 5 Lead Generation Ideas

  1. Tap into Influencer Marketing. Today, people spend most of their time online. And you, as a brand, must utilize this to your benefit. Using the online space to market your product is an easy and effective way to generate leads. But, the digital marketing space is highly competitive and saturated. So, you need to be highly creative to market your brand.

Influencer Marketing is where a brand collaborates with an influencer to promote their product. The influencers have a niche of their own and brands ride on this trust and rapport they share with their audience. Having them promote your brand enhances brand awareness and boosts credibility.

  • Use Content to drive-in customers. Content Marketing has proven itself time and again, to be effective in generating leads. Content can be of various types like blogs, quora posts, audio and video content, user-generated content, webinars and online workshops etc. Be sure to experiment and find what suits your business the best.
  • Look for unique joint promotion opportunities.  Cross-promotion isn’t something new but can be tricky. You need to find the right brand to partner with. The brand shouldn’t be too similar or have a completely different audience. Partnering with a non-competing brand that shares a similar audience is a cost-effective way of increasing brand awareness and generating leads for both brands.
  • Monitor Site data religiously. Data is your most valuable asset. Following the behavioural patterns of your websites’ visitors helps you model your strategies to generate higher leads and greater conversion rates. 
  • Create an interactive quiz or tool. Offering a quiz to website visitors is a creative way to gather information about them.

We saw the top 5 lead generation ideas for 2020. These increase your visibility so you could enjoy greater profits. Therefore, it is a fruitful skill to learn, both for brands and professionals. At Kolkata School of Digital Marketing, we take pride in our courses and skilful teachers. Our digital marketing course is designed in the best possible way to suit the industry’s needs and students’ professional requirements. Be assured that this is all you need to promote your brand online. 

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