19 March 2019

Importance of Content in Digital Marketing

Content is important because it helps to build trust, generate leads and cultivate customer loyalty. Content Marketing is vital for brands as it helps them to grow steadily. Also, it enhances readers’ satisfaction because of good quality content. Importance of content in digital marketing is invaluable because both prospective and current customers appreciate it.

Content Marketing helps you to generate 3 times more leads than outbound marketing. It basically helps you to build organic visibility. Because on many sites half of the organic traffic comes from content oriented pages. Mainly it helps you in convincing your target audience of the service of the value you’re providing. And also helps you to retain the existing audience.

It is considered as a huge part of digital marketing because it works with SEO, email marketing and social media. Importance of Content is so valuable because 70% audience would rather learn something from an article or blog than an advertisement.

It is the content that keeps your audience busy and makes them stay on your website for long. Hence the importance of content is the first priority to any digital marketer.

Kolkata School Of Digital Marketing teaches the best and the appropriate ways of writing content which will grow your audience's engagement with the website.
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