How to earn money through Blogging
Blogs have been a part of the internet from its inception and that is they offer the resources for which the internet is now a database of knowledge. In 2019 blogging has now become so much more than just about information database. It is now an active marketing tool for companies whether they are large scale companies or small businesses.A blog has become a way for entertainment and marketing for businesses and companies for their products and services and also to create a digital footprint for themselves and even if you consider that blogging does not result in sales of actual products (you might be wrong). Earn money through blogging by following five important tips mentioned below. The blogging market is extremely saturated and everyone today has a blog. For your blog to have any sort of following you have to have good content that sets you apart from the competition and not only that, you will be needing to have good content on a consistent basis for your blog to become and stay relevant in the ever-expanding market of the internet.
This success will not come overnight, making money through blogging takes time and patience and results will show in the course of time, we will share the ways with you that will get you the best results as quickly as possible but it is necessary to stay diligent and focused on the blog and to create the content because in the end always “Content is King”.
So, all the things have been noted you now have a stunning blog with great enjoyable content now let’s see how we can make money blogging. So we present.
Top 5 ways you can make money blogging
Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is a very popular practice nowadays in blogging. It is a technique where blogger creates a list on an e-commerce website of products that he wants to promote and help sell. The website provides them with a special link. Which they can put in their blog.
Then the blogger has to create content around the product that he has chosen to promote. In exchange, the e-commerce website like Amazon provides them with a commission for every sale of that product that comes through their link.
Another good way to earn money from your blog is by creating a more presentable condensed and detailed version of your blog and sell it on your blog or any other e-commerce website such as Amazon.
As an E-book. Blogs are generally free for everyone on the internet. If you are an expert in any subject and you want to get paid for the information that you present to the internet audience a great way to do that is to write blogs that culminate or lead to the sale of your E-book. Writing an E-book isn’t too hard either.
You can start the basic formatting or typing on any word processor maybe Microsoft Word or
Google Docs.
You can create a very eye catchy cover design by yourself if you know about photo editing or you can take the help of a graphic designer and ask them to design you a book cover.
After your book is compiled all that is left to do is to present it to the public through different online services such as Amazon, Google Books, and SendOwl.
Online Courses
This is the logical next step after the E-book strategy. Online Courses are hugely popular nowadays. They are a bit on the costlier side as you would need to create a whole program worth of video content with proper production so if you can afford it. It is going to be one of the best investments as it brings in good returns too. If you do plan and successfully make your online course you can have it published on websites like Udemy or Teachable.
Freelance Writing
If you have a blog it can be considered that you know how to write. But all the things mentioned here will need you to either be an expert already as all the mentioned above are all dependent on how much traffic your blog gets and in today’s oversaturated market it is very easy to get lost even with great content. For worst-case scenarios like this, you can always go for Freelance writing for other people or websites or companies. This way you can make money certainly and by writing for other clients or companies that can help create your own name and value on the internet which will, in turn, make your blog more popular.
Google AdSense
This may be one of the options that you have always heard from everyone which is to run ads on your blog. That is a good idea but having a ton of ads on your blog will create an unlikeable environment for your visitors. Although ads are good for earning revenue it is crucial to know how to use them wisely as the revenue that you generate from ads again is directly related to the traffic that you receive on your website so the number will not be very high the moment you start to do it.
All the techniques described here are going to help you earn money through blogging but if all these sound very heavy and complicated to you and you feel overwhelmed don’t worry there is a way for you to learn about Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing all at
Kolkata School of Digital Marketing which could help give you the knowledge to make your online presence felt and help you get the most out of efforts to build a successful online presence that is stable in reputation and income.