18th October, 2020

How Has Digital Marketing Flourished During The COVID 19 Pandemic?

It was the night of December 31, 2019. Everything was as normal as normal could be. There were fireworks, lots of booze and music. But most importantly, there was hope. Hope for a brighter year that was ahead of us. Unfit people vowed to hit the gym, students pledged to study harder, and startups decided to grow their businesses. In simple terms, everyone, man, woman or child, wanted to make the most of the next 365 days that was racing towards us. But, I don't think anyone, could have foretold what was about to come. Fast forward three months and India had come in contact with the dreadful coronavirus. The impact of this pandemic was so much so that, businesses, both big and small, collapsed, exams were cancelled, public transport was halted and an entire nations economy and development came to a standstill.

And then, after a few months of lethargy, deaths, ignorance and music, the country has begun limping forward. After all, isn't moving forward, no matter what, the sign of any developing nation like India? Industries that have managed to survive this storm are on the path to recovery. Since the covid 19 struck, the market has changed a lot for several industries. Changes that usually take a number of years to happen, has come to pass in a matter of months. Industry experts are tasked with the difficult job of assessing the advantages and disadvantages that have transpired because of this plague.

In today's blog, we are about to discuss 'how has digital marketing flourished during the covid 19 pandemics?'


Unlike conventional marketing which is a physical and offline job that involves groundwork, digital marketing is primarily done through computers. Most of our target audience are online consumers, who browse webpages and other social media sites to buy and sell products. Normally, an average person browses the net for a maximum of two hours per day, after coming home from their respective jobs. The internet and the social media we're the window through which digital marketers have to approach their consumers. In the event of the lockdown, which is a direct effect of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, people are confined to their homes with virtually no relief, other than the internet. No pun intended.

We can confidently say that the window has widened significantly for internet marketers to comfortably reach out to their customers. A recent survey that says that almost 37% of Indian households have switched to a wifi connection in this lockdown, shall be taken as a testament to this statement.

In the current era of high-speed internet and smartphones, advertisements are anywhere and everywhere. Advertising and marketing have never been easier. People are constantly looking at digital screens where companies aim to drive their attention towards their brand. Therefore, digital and Internet marketers should aim to make the most of this opportunity to expand their client's digital footprint on social media and other such websites. Some of the ways How Has Digital Marketing Flourished During The COVID 19 Pandemic? are


It cannot be denied that when the lockdown was first imposed, most people were amused with the newfound leisure time, away from the congested roads and volatile workplaces. Of course, several unfortunate people lost their lives or the lives of their loved ones. But it did not take long for the people to get bored, and they have involuntarily turned to their digital screens for entertainment. Digital Marketers are utilising this opportunity, to advertise their products to the consumers. Ultimately, it is the best advertisement that catches the attention of the consumer.


Not only with customers, but the internet also provides a way for digital marketers to connect with their clients via zoom calls. Previously, it was considered unprofessional to approach clients through the mail or social media. But now, we can be sure that no client will be willing to enter a commercial office building and shake hands with us. Hence, professionals working in the digital marketing sector have made use of the internet to interact with old and new clients.


It must also be taken into account that there is a global pandemic going on in the world. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their livelihoods, loved ones and also their lives. Digital Marketers must be ethical in their quest to capture their customer's attention. These were some of the ways How Has Digital Marketing Flourished During The COVID 19 Pandemic?


We are the academic division of the best digital marketing company in Kolkata, We Love Digital Marketing. As a digital marketing company, We love Digital Marketing has catered to the interests of several companies spread across the globe. We, with all our passion, have helped countless companies hone their branding and digital marketing campaign. More than just a business venture, we at We Love Digital Marketing, view ourselves as patrons of the esteemed art of content marketing. And so, after 5 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, we turn our attention towards educating other youngsters in the art of content writing. Kolkata School of Digital Marketing is our academic wing and we have made it our priority to make content marketing a valuable and esteemed profession. We are the best digital marketing institute in Kolkata and we also provide guaranteed paid internship and 100% placement assistance.

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