30th Jan, 2025

How Did COVID-19 Impact Digital Marketing?

COVID-19 has no doubt taken a toll on the world. Many countries are still recovering financially. Some experts predict that it will take decades for the world to return to pre-COVID levels of economic activity. Many have lost their jobs, and prices for food, goods, and services have skyrocketed. It will be interesting to know more about how did COVID-19 impact digital marketing?

On the bright side of COVID-19, it has allowed nature to thrive, and in many countries, pollution levels have gone way down. COVID-19 has also positively impacted the field of digital marketing, as businesses now have a wider audience and a much more focused one.

How did COVID-19 impact digital marketing?

Larger Demographic

Before COVID-19, social media networks were dominated by millennials. Large companies would pay for "organic" posts that would reach millions of users, but that helped people only if they had the funds or were part of a large company that could afford it.

After COVID-19, though, more and more baby boomers are joining social media networks, and this has allowed digital marketers to use new strategies.

Posting on Facebook, for example, may no longer be as effective as it was before COVID-19. Instead of targeting an audience that is almost exclusively millennials, companies can now also focus on other age groups, which has contributed to the rise in ROI from digital marketing activities.

Expansion of Platforms Used

In addition, the use of social media has been evolving before COVID-19 and will continue to evolve after COVID-19. In 2020, for example, it is estimated that 60% of all internet traffic will come from non-PC devices. This means that companies should start adapting their strategies to encompass different platforms, such as mobile.

Increase In the Popularity of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has seen a rise in popularity after the COVID-19 hit. Such marketing is not new, but, in the past, it was primarily used by millennials who bought brands endorsed by their favorite bloggers.

Now, though, influencer marketing has expanded to include all demographics. People in their 40s and 50s are becoming interested in the latest beauty trends, for example, which is perfect for digital marketers who want to target them.

In addition, the popularity of influencer marketing is not likely to decline, as many surveys have been conducted that prove its effectiveness.

Evolution in Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior has also evolved after the COVID-19 hit. For example, according to a survey conducted in the US, 29% of respondents said that they would rather buy from a small business than a larger one.

In addition, 25% said that if their favorite brands were not available online or on mobile, they would stop using them. These figures show a significant shift from previous years, as more and more people are now willing to go online or use mobile devices to conduct their digital activities.

Increase in Corporate Pieces of Training

In addition to changes in digital marketing strategies, companies have been training employees on how to conduct better marketing activities. This is due not only to the new demographics they are now dealing with but also because of a need for better advertising that resonates with audiences. Corporate training on effective communication and persuasion, for instance, has become some of the most popular courses in most institutions.

Increased Interest in Pursuing a Career in Digital Marketing

According to some studies, more than half of millennials said they want to enter the field, which is why it has become one of the most popular career paths among college students.

In addition, even older professionals are becoming interested in digital marketing jobs. As a result, corporations have been expanding their workforce with professionals from different industries.

In conclusion, COVID-19 has had a major impact on the world, but it has also increased the focus on digital marketing. COVID-19 may have changed how we use social media and digital marketing but it hasn't stopped marketers from performing their job. The internet is a global space, and it will take time for us to adapt to its new conditions. Social media and digital marketing turned out to be more important than ever after COVID-19, but they will continue to change in future years. As the world evolves so will the strategies used for social media and digital marketing by companies around the world.

Are you struggling to find a place for yourself in the digital marketing industry? Well, look no further! We at Kolkata School of Digital Marketing, a digital marketing institute in Kolkata, are offering courses in Digital Marketing that will surely help you! Our courses are aimed at making you a skilled digital marketer in fields such as PPC, SEO, and SEM. We also help you develop a fruitful career in digital marketing by offering you a paid internship and placement assistance. For more details on the Kolkata School of Digital Marketing, do follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit our website.

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