26 July 2019

Black Hat SEO Techniques never to follow

Today, every seller's dream is to be on the top of the search engine mainly because higher the ranking, higher will be the sales. However, sometimes sellers go on to do things unhealthy and non-profitable in the long run one of them being Black Hat SEO Techniques. Therefore, today Kolkata School of Digital Marketing guides you about the Black Hat SEO Techniques never to follow.

1. Keyword Stuffing This is a technique wherein sellers mainly stuff keywords unnecessarily to have a good position on the search engines but what you need to keep in mind is more is not better. If your content or product is better than other people will automatically attract towards your site. Too much of keyword stuffing should be avoided.

2. Hidden Text and Links Site owners, to increase traffic wish to add words even if not necessary or useful which they to in a unique way. As the name already suggests, such words and links are hidden and not visible to a layperson but just to the coders and developers of the website. One of the ways is by making the text colour the same as that of the background which the search engine spiders can see thus counting them as part of the site.

3. Irrelevant Keywords and Poor Quality Content Tricky website owners sometimes could also use the technique of creating long content, not for human consumption but spun. Moreover, the content created is often huge as well as poor content.

4. Duplicate Content Copying content from others is not only denied by the search engines but is a big no of the business ethics.

To be a smart yet ethical marketer learning from Kolkata School of Digital Marketing is the best options which can help you and your website reach great heights without using any Black Hat SEO Techniques
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