In today's digital world, website development is no longer a privilege but a necessity for any business to survive and prosper online. A website creates a visual impression on the user even before he or she invests or buys the commodity provided by the company. So learning the art of developing a website is quite beneficial and a great career direction. We are here to help you, enthusiasts, by giving a brief introduction on website development for beginners.
Website development refers to the process of building a website based on different requirements and features. Actually, a website is composed of several elements, and while setting up a website, you would have to take care of each of them.
Yes, it's a detailed job, but not too difficult. You can design from a single plain-text website or a complex website rich in features, using different frameworks and coding knowledge. It all depends on what a business wants its website to convey and how they want to develop it.
Anything that you access in your respective browsers is the creation of a web developer genius.
Frontend and Backend are the two most widely used terms in the world of web development.
Front End, as the name suggests, deals mainly with what you can see in the browser. It is focused on the client side of development. So it's all about the presentation of the actual content.
Back End, on the contrary, deals with the part of the website that deals with logic and functionality but remains unseen from the outside. So backend development is what makes the presentation of frontend possible.
When a user attempts to access an application via the front-end interface, the relevant information is verified via the back-end database, and the proper information afterwards is presented to the user via the back-end Web server.
Therefore, both front-end and back-end development play different but very important roles.
You do not need a degree or any qualification in order to lay your hands on website development. But you will definitely need some basic knowledge about these things:
Keeping these things in mind and with determination, you can learn website designing in no time. Digital marketing needs skilled web developers for their business to boost. You can also learn digital marketing along with web development and have the full package.
Kolkata School of Digital Marketing is one of the best digital marketing institutes in Kolkata. So if you're looking to take a digital marketing course in Kolkata, then this is where you must go.